Resume Format

A well done resume will assist you in getting the job of your dreams.

A Professionally Prepared Resume Will Take You Places
Resume Tips

A resume can prove very helpful when applying for a job. It lists your credentials, work history, licenses, volunteer work, and other experiences you possess. Done well, a resume will assist you in getting the job of your dreams. Be concise, use short and catchy phrases, and consider using a bulleted list. Tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for. It should show professionalism and catch the potential employer's eye. Show your potential employer your determination to work hard. Make sure the subheadings make it easy to distinguish between the various parts of your resume. It must be an attractive resume that shows off your best self. 

We are all born, most of us attend school, and before long we have graduated, and reality strikes. We need a job. The first step in your job search is preparing a winning resume. A resume an all-important document that you must have if your desires of securing a job are to be fulfilled.

So what is this resume? It is simply a document that briefly talks about your academic credentials, your work experience, volunteer work, licenses and other credentials you may possess, and associations that you may be affiliated with. A good resume should describe you and how best suited you are for the job you are applying for at any given time by emphasizing your transferable skills that you have collected which best relate to your present career objective. In addition, you may gear your resume to emphasize qualifications that are required for a specific job announcement to which you are applying.

A resume, however impressive, cannot get you an interview on its own, but research indicates that for every ten interviews you attend after posting a resume, you are likely to get one job offer. This just goes to show how important a resume is. And it translates into this: a perfectly done resume will get you the job you are looking for. Just make sure it has all that is required. 

Here is the sample format of  Resume/ C V/ Biodata. Prepare your own finding the suitable format for you.

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